At North Hampton Community Church, we make it our mission to reach out to all age groups, from birth through adulthood!
What do we provide?
Sunday School classes
Every Sunday morning, we have a total of 7 classes available from 9:30-10:15am!
Staffed Nursery (North end of the Youth Center)
Toddler/Preschool class (North end of the Youth Center)
Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grades (North end of the Youth Center)
3rd, 4th, and 5th grades (North end of the Youth Center)
Jr/Sr High (On the right, before entering the Sanctuary)
Adult Class in Youth Center
Adult Class behind the Sanctuary
Staffed Nursery
Our nursery is fully staffed with fellow believers who have undergone criminal background checks and who have been through training in order to ensure your child is well taken care of. It’s important to us that our smallest congregants are being discipled too with the utmost care. Each of our staff members is provided with extra hands to ensure your child not only is well taken care of, they’re also learning about the love of Jesus Christ.
Cry Room
We have a cry room located near the entrance of the sanctuary for any parents to take not only infants, but young children who may feel more comfortable in a noise canceling room. There are very comfortable rocking chairs, speakers for you to not miss a thing, and a full window to allow you to still enjoy the service.
Mother’s Room
Located on the right when entering the church main doors, you’ll see we have a room designated for the privacy of breastfeeding mothers. This room has access to the women’s restroom, as well. This room has speakers in it that allow breastfeeding mothers the privacy they may want, and the ability to still listen to the service.
Jr. Church
In the church service, we have a moment of time we refer to as “Children’s Sermon” and this is a time where all kids through the 5th grade are invited to come sit on the stage and listen to a very short lesson geared towards their age. They are then released to “Jr. Church” where they will have the opportunity to go to a class located in the youth center, where they will sing songs, play games, do crafts, but most importantly learn about Jesus!
Youth Group
During the school year, we have weekly youth group for grades 4-12 on Sunday evenings in the Youth Center. Grades 4th-8thmeet from 5-6:30pm and grades 9th-12th meet from 6-7:30pm. Youth group is a fun filled time where the kids will participate in a lesson as well as play some really fun games!
Teens & Young Adult Bible Study
Any high school or college age young adults are invited to meet weekly at Pastor Keith’s house on Thursday nights form 8-9pm. During this time, they will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear answers from the bible on any topic that is stirring inside of them.
A community wide playdate on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 9-11am for kids of all ages in our Re-Creation Center! During this playdate, your child will learn a bible story and then be released to run wild in a gymnasium filled with activities geared towards their ages! We do ask that no children are dropped off without a parent or guardian, however feel free to drink coffee, fellowship with other parents, and form community with us while your kids free-play!
& many more seasonal adult bible studies!